Saturday, January 20, 2007

Herbs Helped When On Chemotherapy

Many patients often ask this question: Can I take herbs and supplements and at the same time undergo medical treatments, like chemotherapy?

In his book, Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients, Dr. Russell Blaylock – a neurosurgeon wrote:

• Oncologist forbid patients to take supplements or herbs while on treatment. This is based on ignorance.

• Oncologists know nothing of the vast scientific nutritional literature (much of which appear in their own journals).

• They continue to scare their patients away from (nutritional) treatments with stories of harm. Their fears are … not based on scientifically verifiable facts.

Hear what Mark (not real name) has got to say after he took herbs and then went for chemotherapy.

For more information on natural healing for cancer:

For more stories about cancer healing in video go to:
CA Care Video.

For answers to cancer questions go to: Cancer-Answers

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